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February 9, 2022

The Importance of Explosive Strength

Why is Explosive Strength Important? **If you want to build your explosive strength, click the button below and sign up for my 8-week strength clinic!**CLICK HERE to RegisterBeing explosive typically tends to greatly aid an individual’s ability to lift, especially in dynamic movements. But explosive strength translates over to so much more than competitive fitness. Jumping, bounding, punching, sprinting, and change of direction are just a few of many movement patterns that benefit from higher levels of explosive strength.

Being able to move loads quickly through space and time increases your force output, thus making you more dynamic and capable of lifting higher loads.

For example…I know individuals who do not have great levels of absolute strength, but they are dynamic as all get out, so power cleans and snatches come second nature to them, but tell them to hit a 1RM front squat and it won’t be much different than their power clean.

What’s the Best way to Train Explosive Strength?

My favorite method is light weight and the use of bands, or as Louie Simmons calls it, the dynamic training method. This single method literally changed Westside Barbell in 1983. Here’s the bullet points on how he explains his method:

This method is used to replace a max effort workout. Submaximal weights are lifted with maximal speed. Remember: F = m x a. This method indirectly builds strength by increasing a fast rate of force dev­elopment and explosiv­e strength. Bands or chains must be used to reduce bar deceleration. Bands will also increase the eccentric phase, which helps build a superior stretch reflex phase. Reps must be low. Never go to failure. You must stop if the bar speed decreases.The bar weight or band or chain resistance must v­ary to cause a change in metabolic reactions and intramuscular coordination and changes in biometrical v­ariables. Lifting lighter loads at higher speeds not only builds strength, but it helps prevent injury as well. Other training resources to examine: Special Strengths, Explosive Power Movements, and Plyometrics.

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