🏋️ Test Your Limits: 1-Rep Max Day!
Today marks the second day of testing our 1-rep maxes, and it's all about pushing past barriers. We’re dialing in on the push jerk, building to a heavy single over 22 minutes. This is your chance to fine-tune your technique, focus on explosive power, and prove to yourself just how strong you really are. Stay patient, stay focused, and trust your training—you’ve got this!
💪 Strength: Own the Push Jerk
The key to a successful push jerk? A controlled dip, an explosive drive, and a rock-solid core on the catch. This lift isn’t just about brute strength—it’s about precision. Take your time, breathe, and make every rep count. And remember, standing up confidently after the catch is just as important as the lift itself. Stay in the moment, and when you hit that new PR, celebrate it!
🔥 Conditioning: Go Unbroken & Go Hard
The second half of today’s session is all about intensity. Every three minutes, for five rounds, you’ll cycle through hang power clean & jerks, toes-to-bar, and rowing sprints. This is designed to be fast and aggressive, so challenge yourself! Choose a weight that’s slightly heavier than your comfort zone—you’re stronger than you think. Unbroken reps and smart pacing will make all the difference here.
🌟 Step Up & Crush It
Today’s workout is built to make you stronger, both physically and mentally. Testing your 1-rep max is a reminder of how much progress you’ve made, and this conditioning piece will reinforce that strength under fatigue. Trust yourself, embrace the challenge, and walk away feeling like a powerhouse. And write your PR's on the whiteboard so we can celebrate you!