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Isaac Callihan


June 20, 2024

Escaping the Gym Rut

Get Back to the Basics
If you’re experiencing symptoms of fatigue and overtraining through your normal routine, it’s time to switch it up! Overtraining occurs when you exceed your body’s ability to recover from strenuous exercise. This can result in lack of progress or even a decrease in strength and fitness. A form of overtraining can occur from monotony in training, due to the central nervous system’s adaptation of repetition and lack of stimulation.

There’s nothing wrong with going light for a short period of time, like you did when you were first starting an exercise routine. Even an experienced gym goer will benefit from taking it easy from time to time. If you adopt a “beginner exercise routine” for a short while, you’ll allow your muscles to rest before making incremental changes again.

More Intensity, Shorter Time
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have a 5-minute exercise routine every day? Unfortunately, that’s not the case, but that doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as a compact workout. High intensity interval training is one of the most effective ways to exercise. It involves short bursts of really intense anaerobic exercise followed by brief periods of recovery. HIIT can be either cardiovascular activity or resistance training, as long as it involves the components of maximal effort, duration, and short rest periods.

Group Fitness Classes
One of the easiest ways to switch up your gym exercise routine is by taking group fitness classes! Actually, group fitness classes can mix up your routine in more ways than one.

If you’ve never take a group fitness class, or haven’t for awhile, there are plenty of amazing options to choose from! Even better, you can try a bunch to see which one suits your preferences or fitness goals. At Pittsburgh Fit we offer a great option for group class training!

Personal Training
If you don’t know exactly what else to try to break through your plateau, enlist the help of a professional! Personal trainers are experts in kinesiology and can help determine what exactly is causing you to be in a rut. They can design a brand new exercise routine for you, while supervising your movements to ensure you have proper form. Each workout will be progressive to make sure you’re always challenged.

In essence to get out of your gym rut try something new, whether that be find a personal trainer, take a group class or just switch up your normal lifting style.

PS - if you want to book a FREE Personal Training session with us, CLICK HERE and we'll show you how valuable working with a trainer one-on-one is!

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