At some point everyone faces setbacks. Life is full of unexpected turns and there will be obstacles that get in the way. Setbacks can happen in all categories of life including in the gym. From injury, motivation, travel there are many different things that can cause a hiccup in your fitness routine. Today, I am going to discuss what to do when you feel like one of these obstacles has arose.
Accept it. It is easy to try to ignore any problems that occur but that is not the right way to go about it. The first step is to acknowledge that something is going on. For example, an injury. Don’t keep beating your body up and thinking it is going to get better. Recognize it and make a plan to make it better.
Learn. Every opportunity can be a learning one so once you come to terms with what is setting you back, learn about it. Suddenly have a lack of motivation in your fitness routine? Try to figure out why you are feeling this way. Stress, poor sleep, burnout learn about all of these. It is normal for everyone to go through this so learn how other people build back up their motivation.
Think long term. It is easy for a setback to occur and go into a panic that everything is ruined. Travel may mess up a day if your routine. Don’t let this take you down a rabbit hole of bad days. It is natural to want everything to be fixed in a minute but that is not realistic. Take the long term approach to getting better instead of a short term quick fix.
- Grace Dickinson