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Morgan Shade


August 15, 2024

The Social Side of Personal Training

Personal training is often thought of as a solitary activity - with most people envisioning clients sweating it out in a one-on-one session with their trainer. While individual training sessions are beneficial for focused attention and personalized workouts, there are tons of social aspects to personal training that should not be overlooked. Personal training has tons of benefits to building community and social support.

Motivation and Accountability
One of the biggest advantages of personal training is the motivation and accountability that it provides. Not only from the trainer for keeping the client on track, but the social aspect of seeing others kicking butt next to you to also reach their goals, it creates a sense of community and camaraderie- motivating clients to push themselves harder than they may on their own.

Support and Encouragement
Battling through a difficult workout can be challenging, but having a client's fellow gym-goers or workout partner to provide support and encouragement can make a huge difference. Personal training sessions provide a perfect opportunity for clients to get to know their trainer, become more comfortable in a gym environment, and form relationships with other clients that can provide support and encouragement on their fitness journey.

Building Social Connections
Personal training sessions offer an opportunity to meet like-minded people who are passionate about health and fitness. This shared interest can lead to the formation of friendships and social connections that extend beyond the gym. Fitness classes and group workouts are also excellent ways to meet new people and build relationships centered around exercise and healthy habits.

Mental Health Benefits
The social aspect of personal training can have a positive impact on mental health. Group workouts and social connections help to decrease feelings of isolation and improve self-confidence and self-esteem. The sense of community and support can also reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, creating a more positive outlook on life.

In conclusion, the social aspect of personal training should not be overlooked. Whether it's participating in group workouts, forming friendships with fellow gym-goers, or engaging in fun and social workouts, the social aspect of personal training can make a significant impact on a client's fitness journey. And all of these can be experienced at Pittsburgh FIT through our personal training, group classes, or tons of social events we have throughout the year to strengthen our amazing community! We are not just a gym, we are a family :)

Morgan Shade

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