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Pittsburgh FIT


September 17, 2024

Tracy's Triump

Tracy's changes are typical for us at Pittsburgh FIT. And they aren't all about losing weight.

Tracy has committed to being different. Her sister-in-law talked her into joining group fitness classes even though she basically had zero experience. And she wanted to be a good example for her daughter. The gentle push by people that who care about her kept her going when things got tough.

What positive results have you achieved from working with your nutrition coach at Pittsburgh FIT?

I definitely feel that I have a better understanding about how to not look at certain foods in a negative way sometimes. I know that to see changes I have to make changes in my diet as well and finding alternatives to foods that may not be beneficial to my goals."

What do you do to stay on track with your nutrition?

Routine is a big thing for me so some meals are very repetitive on a daily basis. Also, tracking meals and sending pictures of meals in has helped me to really think about my food choices.

What do you love about the nutrition program at Pittsburgh FIT?

I enjoy discussing the areas that I am doing well in and identifying areas that I could improve. I also enjoy having someone who can relate to me about this journey and can see the bigger picture from where I started to where I currently am and will go.

Her daughter sat in the gym and got the chance to see her mom exercise 3-5 times per week. This includes watching her push through burpees and running and (almost) never complain about itI can't think of a better way to be a role model for the future generation.

Changes like Tracy's are generational. All it takes is one person to commit to doing things differently. The ripple effect of choosing healthy foods (most of the time), exercising regularly, and spending time together as a family will have a lasting impact on the lives of the people around you.

If you want to make this kind of progress, reach out to us and we'll help transform you into your best self!

CLICK HERE to Book Your FREE Nutrition Diagnostic

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