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Heather Benek


July 18, 2024

Chris's Changes - The Journey to Lose 100lbs

When Chris decides to do something, he’s all in and he does so thoughtfully, with curiosity, good humor, and dedication. One of the things that stands out most about Chris is how much he loves his wife and their beautiful life together.”

It's time to introduce Chris! This 54 year old Software Engineer (and sport photographer!) got unstuck and made wild progress in 10 weeks with no signs of slowing down!

Check out the progress and changes Chris noticed in this very short window

  1. Weight loss, 20#
  2. Body fat 41% down to 38%
  3. Protein intake from 60-80g to 140g daily (more food! yay!)
  4. Gym Performance aka Fitness notably increased

My weight from Oct ‘23 to Mar ‘24 was unchanged, from March to May, it went down 20 lbs. I don’t necessarily have a specific metric I can point to about gym performance, but I can tell you I am lifting heavier weights, moving faster, and running when I hadn’t run in years. I feel like fasting is officially something baked into my lifestyle at this point, which allows me to sleep much better, which increases my energy. All of this increases my self image, self worth, positivity about my life, I have reduced chronic pain and increased potential longevity, … just to name a few things." -Chris

What Led to Chris's Unfaltering Progress

Chris attends group classes 3-4x per week in addition to an average of 8k daily steps. We're talking less than 5 hours per week commitment to physical activity to facilitate this change.

In his work with Heather, Pittsburgh FIT's leading Nutrition Coach, he prioritizes a whole-food diet rich in vegetables, lean protein, and nutritious options such as fermented foods and bone broth. Sure it takes effort and time, but we actually were able to INCREASE the amount of food he was consuming.

One of the most significant behaviors that led to Chris's success is time-restricted feeding (TRF), also known as Intermittent Fasting. He practices TRF which includes fasting 17 hours most days (Water, plain bubbly water, plain tea, and black coffee don't count as breaking the fast) and adding in periodical longer fasts such as 24- 40hrs.

In doing so he is allowing his body to prioritize healing, stabilize his blood sugar, and increase his insulin sensitivity. These changes are what led to awesome results like weight loss, lowered A1C, better sleep, and so much more.

Chris has made incredible progress. But we're not done yet. When we work with our clients, goals evolve as progress is made. And we update this plan on a very regular basis.

For Chris, being in the "100lbs lost club" was a long term goal, now that milestone is just around the corner and there's no doubt he'll crush it!

  • Our new goals along the way are to:
  • Reduce morning glucose levels
  • Get off current medication
  • And Clean and jerk 245- 265lbs
        *we love a good strength training goal!

Chris's progress has been amazing and results like this are normal for Pittsburgh FIT members. Our community is incredibly engaging and supportive. Our staff are highly trained experts and our team cares SO MUCH about each human being that walks in our door.

We'd love for you to walk in next.

CLICK HERE to book an intro with us for free :)

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