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Heather Benek


October 15, 2024

Client Win: Cheryl's Success Story

It's time to introduce Cheryl! She is truly a delight to be in the presence of. It’s impossible not to smile with her and she has this incredible sense of reality that makes anything feel manageable. She loves her family so hard and is a beautiful model of having a positive relationship with food and your body for her two young girls. She’s someone who I know is capable of anything she chooses. Thanks for using your power for good, Cheryl! -Heather

Initial Goal
Cheryl arrived with the goals of weight loss and improved energy. She also wanted to keep up with her kids, to feel better, and to reduce symptoms from underlying health challenges.

Managing her weight had been challenging, particularly in the past year, and she was tired of feeling low energy. She wanted to take control of her health and feel good in her body.

How it Was Accomplished
Cheryl began nutrition coaching with Coach Heather and personal training with Geremy 2x per week.

In her PT session with Geremy, Cheryl not only increased her strength but also gained confidence in knowing how to go hard in workouts AND prevent injury. In her nutrition coaching with Heather, she focused on increasing her protein (hello energy!), added fermented foods to her diet, kicked her caffeine routine (which reduced anxiety!), reduced refined sugar, focused on whole food meals, and developed a hormonally informed fasting lifestyle that included OMAD fasting, 13-17hr fasting, and regular longer fasts. Cheryl is now down 20+ lbs, has increased energy, and better digestion. She is constantly building her knowledge base about how to heal with food, teaching her kids about things like ordered eating, and most recently, looking to her diet to counteract brain fog.

Why is fitness important in their life outside the gym?
Cheryl can now navigate social eating without feeling stressed. She knows how to take care of her body and has the tools needed to continue feeling her best with her family, at work, and in her precious moments of “free” time. AND she developed the running routine that she’d been wanting!

- What is their new goal
Say goodbye to another 20 lbs
Continue prioritizing health to heal underlying health conditions

AND to run the Thanksgiving 10k!

Cheryl's story is nothing short of amazing, but this type of change is typical for clients at Pittsburgh FIT, especially ones that work with Heather. If you want to learn more about what kind of custom solutions we would create for you, CLICK HERE to book a FREE Nutrition Diagnostic!

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