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Grace Dickinson


August 6, 2024

Personal Training and sustainable Weight loss

One of the most common reasons we hear from new clients is that they want to lose weight. A bit around the waist, toning things up, and of course, getting Michelle Obama arms.

We can get you there (and we've helped tons of people get there already), but changes need to be reached in sustainable and manageable way.

That being said, we want to pay attention to what we can control: the inputs. Focus on what you can DO, and not the results, and you'll get there. Probably faster than you think.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Understand fads.
There are many fads that go around as new quick ways to solve your problems. “Quick fixes” and things that seem too good to be true and too easy are generally red flags. If you manage to lose a bunch of weight real quick due to one, it is much harder to keep that weight off then in a natural way.

Set realistic goals
There is not a healthy one quick fix to losing weight. It took over 30 years for you to get where you are, so be patient when taking steps to move in the other direction. Don’t plan on losing 20 pounds every month for a year because that won’t happen and that’ll just have you feeling discouraged. At Pittsburgh FIT, we focus on maintaining 2-3 habits at a time, while expecting to lose 1-2lbs a week is a great target.

Move more, plain and simple. Our bodies were designed to move. A lot. If you get 2,000 steps a day regularly don’t set your goal to 10,000 again realistic goals. Start with 3,000 until you hit that regularly don’t move it. Park a little further away, go to the mall, go get your food rather than ordering through Grubhub, walk around a park. There are a lot of ways you can increase your step intake without making major changes. It doesn't need to be intense, it doesn't need to feel difficult. Just move more!

Again make small changes to ensure it is something you can stick with. Make one single adjustment: increase your protein intake (yes more food works for weight loss), portion control, less sugar, less processed foods, more veggies. You name it and you stick with it. It is not the end of the world if you mess up one day, you will. Don’t let it take you off the rails it happens.

At Pittsburgh FIT, it's our job to dig through all the details and determine the 2-3 small changes that will make the biggest result in your life. Most people don't need to do a 180 and change everything to see major results.

If you want us to help you get started, CLICK HERE to book a free intro with us to chat about your health.

Otherwise, visit our blog below to learn more about health and fitness!

PS - If you want to check out our free resources, visit

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