Tomorrow is Halloween ...and you know what that means: sugar, sugar, sugar!
Beginning in late summer, stores begin taunting and tantalizing us with prominently displayed festive treats conveniently packaged in small, easy to eat servings. By the time the actual holiday rolls around, we’ve been wading through candy corn and “fun sized” candy bars for months.
All holidays have their peculiar food traditions, but Halloween perhaps wins the prize for being the most focused on candy and other sweet treats as the center of attraction. And no matter how hard you try to avoid it, you will undoubtedly find yourself staring down a confection before all is said and done.
Will you give in?
One piece of candy won’t make or break your health. And heck, we even encourage a sugar rush every once in a while. It feels good sometimes! But few of us stop at just one. In fact, most of us see Halloween as we see every other festive occasion from Thanksgiving to our neighbor’s cookout: as a perfectly good time to indulge in whichever kind of sweet temptations are presented to us
That's why we're such big fans of doing your prep work. Go in with a plan, eat your veggies first, listen to your body, and don't let one wild day turn into 10.
We know you can have your...candy and eat it too!