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Grace Dickinson


September 12, 2024

Maximizing Results with your Personal Trainer

Personal training is an investment in yourself. It requires time, money, a commitment to consistency, changing your routine and more.

Because of this, it is important to make sure you are using your sessions in the best way possible to get everything you want out of them. So here are three ways to help maximize results in your training sessions.

Making an Effort
Just as with anything, the more effort you put into something the more you get out of it, this is the same with personal training sessions. Think about what you’re doing and don’t let anything get sloppy. One of the most common places to show little effort is warmups. Lightweight you can breeze through but these are the times you need to dial in. These are the reps that should be looking nearly perfect. Try your best at every point and focus on your goals and movement. By just thinking about what you are doing and trying rather than just going through the motions you will get results.

Trust your Trainer
Personal training is great because you have guidance from an expert in the field. You’re going to be put on different cycles that have different variables, intensities, movements etc. Some you will love, some you will hate, but you need to know the trainer is doing this to help you and make you better. Some days are going to feel good and some bad and that is part of the process. Leave your ego and communicate with your trainer to help see the results you want.  

Focus on Recovery
To be fully prepared and ready for your next session it is important to look at recovery. How are you sleeping? What are you eating and drinking? Have you done any mobility, stretching, exercise since your last session? Are you stressed? These are all important factors that play a role in your results. Not everyday has to be 100% perfect but try to create a healthy normal routine to maximize your results.

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