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Heather Benek


August 22, 2024

Mallory's Magical Motivation

We wanted to FINALLY introduce you to someone who has been absolutely CRUSHING her goals!

And she's been ALL-IN since her first day.

Mallory, 34, loves trying new recipes and is a cookbook queen! Fun fact: she has a spice cabinet to make Gordon Ramsay positively drool.

Initial Goal

Mallory was referred to PittsburghFIT by our very own Coach Erin, she had the goal of creating a consistent workout routine for the first time as an adult. She knew both diet and exercise needed to be addressed. Wisely she knew she would have the most success doing one at a time. Mallory started PT with Isabel 2x per week and quickly started feeling stronger and seeing more muscle definition. Despite feeling strong from her workouts she wasn’t seeing the body composition change she wanted which included losing 15 lbs of body fat and gaining muscle. She not only wanted body composition change, but also wanted to increase her energy and for her wedding ring to fit comfortably again.

How it Was Accomplished

In addition to PT with Isabel 2x per week Mallory started nutrition coaching with Heather. Together Heather and Mallory worked on what she was eating and when. Mallory increased her protein, increased her vegetable intake, reduced sugar intake, and utilized 24 hr fasts regularly to support her gut health and insulin sensitivity. With a new surge of energy Mallory started tracking her meals and utilizing a macro balance and calorie budget to fuel her body and workouts without consuming more fuel (i.e. food) than her body could use. She utilized a 12hr fasting and 12 hr feeding window while being incredibly consistent and allowing herself occasional treats that fit in her calorie budget. In 4 weeks Mallory lost 10.2 lbs of body fat mass, increased her muscle mass, and went from a visceral fat level of 16 to 13 which helped reduce her risk of preventable disease. Her wedding ring fits more comfortably and her clothes are more comfortable too. Best of all, Mallory is confident and is celebrating her commitment to herself and her health. She is a POWERHOUSE of sunshine and exuberance!

What is her new goal?

Mallory’s new goal is to lose 15 lbs more, achieve a healthy BMI, feel amazing in her body and even more comfortable and confident in her clothes. Plus there’s that cruise she’s going on this winter that she’s stoked to feel her best for!

If you want help, like Mallory, CLICK HERE to book a free nutrition diagnostic to see how we can help build the best version of yourself

<3 Heather

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