We hope you're all doing well and getting ready to enjoy the awesome weather!Normally, at Pittsburgh FIT we hold a HUGE BBQ (vegan friendly too!) and all workout together.We know that things aren't quite going the way that you expected them to in 2020, but that's okay.This new normal is a challenge for all of us, but we're hoping to be back together soon!In the meantime, it's time that you do Murph!We put together a cool video for you to check out how a coach runs through Murph, and hopefully you get all pumped up to PR yourself!
Click the link above to check it out!What is Murph you ask?Lieutenant Michael P Murphy ("Murph") was a United States Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was the first member of the U.S. Navy to receive the award since the Vietnam War. His other posthumous awards include the Silver Star Medal (which was later upgraded to the Medal of Honor) and the Purple Heart. (REFERENCE)He's been honored by CrossFIT for years by sharing in a morsel of his suffering by performing his workout. He's been honored in a Hollywood film, Lone Survivor (If you haven't seen this yet, watch it! It's a tear jerker) and his memory has become famous enough for a world-wide program, The Murph Challenge.Complete Murph. Have a good time. Let us know how it went.And, of course, we just want you to know we miss you.--What is Murph?For time:1 mile Run100 Pull-ups200 Push-ups300 Squats1 mile RunIn memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.--ENJOY!