The workout for the day is an AMRAP.Not just any AMRAP - 20 damn minutes of 9 burpees, 12 box jumps and 30c Calories on the rower.You know it’s gonna burn your lungs, but you’re ready, right? You do conditioning all the time, you even do extra EMOMs or intervals after classes, and you can do these three movements in your sleep.On the call of 3-2-1 GO, the workout starts. You feel good. You’re crushing the burpees, and moving right into your set of box jumps. After the box jumps, you hop on the rower. The first 2 rounds go perfectly. Minimal rest, moving smoothly from one piece to the next, but then you use the monitor on the rower. No way have you dropped 200cals/hr.NO WAY. What. Is. Happening.Your lungs aren’t failing you. Your cardio is fine, but guess what? You’re not strong enough.Eventually, no matter the movement, a lack of strength in one movement or another WILL slow you down. The workout above relies heavily on midline strength and lower body strength-stamina. If your legs aren’t strong, the box jumps & rowing will slow you down. If it’s a lack of core strength, it’s gonna feel like you’re Velcro-ed to the floor around minute 12, and that’s gonna be a long final 8 minutes, friend.How do you fix this? You get stronger. The stronger your muscles are, the more reps they can handle. The more reps they can handle, the less you need to rest. The less you need to rest, the faster you can go. Improve your FRAN time by squatting more. Shave seconds off of your 2K row by having a stronger posterior chain and arms. Finish that 400M run by creating more force into the ground with each stride. Get stronger, and your performance in nearly every modality we train will improve, across the board.